RiB Newsletter #34

Welcome to the #34 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month we refreshed and reorganized the set of GitHub repositories we track, and which are listed in the Project Updates section.

RiB Newsletter #33

Welcome to the #33 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month we spotlight teleport-transactions, an implementation in Rust of CoinSwap.

RiB Newsletter #32

Welcome to the #32 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month we spotlight Trampoline, a Rust-based smart contract framework for the UTXO-based Nervos network.

RiB Newsletter #31

Welcome to the #31 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month we spotlight Arloader, a command line client for uploading files to Arweave.

RiB Newsletter #30

Welcome to the #30 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month we spotlight wagyu, a command line cryptocurrency wallet generator.

RiB Newsletter #29

Welcome to the #29 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month we’ve added a “Security Advisories” section, summarizing all the Rust security advisories of the month from RustSec, and GitHub Advisories.