Call for Contributors

Let’s build the Rust Blockchain community together! Since the first publication of the Rust in Blockchain newsletter, I have been receiving great feedback — people are excited about the potential of Rust blockchain projects uniting together to create a greater community. When I started this newsletter just a few months ago, I didn’t imagine I would so quickly get so much encouraging support from people all over the world, including Germany, Italy, England, the US, and China.

Rust in Blockchain Newsletter #1

Rust in Blockchain starts a series of offline events in San Francisco, Berlin, and Hangzhou, the first meetup will be held in San Francisco on 17th July. If you are interested in speaking at our events, please apply here, we will be super happy to receive your contributions. Libra might be the hypest news in June, follows with non-stoping blog posts.

Rust in Blockchain Newsletter #0

Blockchain technology brings together cryptography, mathematics, game theory, and economics to create distributed systems with uniquely powerful security properties. Rust is a high-performance programming language uniquely suited to creating secure distributed systems. Every edition we bring you the latest developer news related to blockchain technology in Rust, with the ambition of building a greater developer community around this family of projects.