RiB Newsletter #21 - More Rust and blockchains

Welcome to the #21 edition of Rust in Blockchain, the chillest newsletter about the chillest tech. Previous: #20.

It’s still a great time to be a Rust programmer.

This month the Rust Foundation was announced, and major tech companies including Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and Facebook have hired prominent Rust compiler developers. Kraken, a major cryptocurrency exchange, posted a blog about how much they love Rust, then immediately posted a bazillion job openings, which we have added to the other job openings in the “careers” section below, and the job board on the website.

This month NEAR announced a grants program, and so did Secret Network. Many other Rust blockchains have grant programs: Polkadot has one, and so does Nervos, and so does Solana, and so does Zcash.

And RiB can now accept donations in NEAR at @rib.near, the account for which was donated to us by Peter from the NEAR team. RiB also accepts donations in BTC, ETH, and CKB, the addresses for which are on the website.



Thanks to contributors: apruden2008, Ernest Kissiedu, Max Wegman, Brian Anderson, and Aimee Zhu. Thank you for your help!

RiB needs help to keep up with Rust blockchain projects. If you follow a particular project, or otherwise find information that is beneficial to the Rust & blockchain community, please contribute to the next issue by submitting a PR to the #22 draft.


Project Spotlight

Each month we like to shine a light on a notable Rust blockchain project. This month that project is…


Umbral is a scheme for proxy re-encryption, by which the owner of a ciphertext, Alice, can designate a third party (the proxy), to re-encrypt that ciphertext to be decoded by Bob, without ever revealing the plaintext to the proxy.

Described in a 2018 paper, and blog post, Umbral is developed by the NuCypher project.


Interesting Things


Blog Posts




  • Teleport Transactions is software aiming to improve the privacy of Bitcoin.
  • Compound Chain. An interest-bearing stablecoin bridge between all DeFi chains.
  • europa. A sandbox to run and debug smart contracts for FRAME Contracts pallet and also a sandbox framework for Substrate runtime.
  • ethabi. Encode and decode smart contract invocations.
  • Hodor. Open source implementation of zkSTARKs in pure Rust.


Most Active in February

Solana: 350 merged PRs (1, 2), 21 closed issues (1, 2), 50 open issues (1, 2)

Parity: 263 merged PRs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 138 closed issues (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 88 open issues (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Diem: 195 merged PRs (1), 38 closed issues (1), 39 open issues (1)


Project Updates

Rust Bitcoin

30 merged PRs (1, 2, 3), 13 closed issues (1, 2, 3, 4), 8 open issues (1, 2)

Rust Ethereum

2 merged PRs (1, 2), 0 closed issues, 1 open issues (1)


92 merged PRs (1, 2, 3), 69 closed issues (1, 2, 3), 20 open issues (1)


58 merged PRs (1, 2), 34 closed issues (1), 6 open issues (1)


37 merged PRs (1, 2, 3, 4), 2 closed issues (1), 0 open issues


43 merged PRs (1, 2, 3), 5 closed issues (1, 2), 3 open issues (1, 2)


195 merged PRs (1), 38 closed issues (1), 39 open issues (1)


5 merged PRs (1), 13 closed issues (1), 5 open issues (1)


30 merged PRs (1), 4 closed issues (1), 1 open issues (1)


86 merged PRs (1, 2, 3), 42 closed issues (1, 2, 3, 4), 35 open issues (1, 2, 3, 4)


45 merged PRs (1, 2, 3, 4), 2 closed issues (1), 1 open issues (1)


263 merged PRs (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), 138 closed issues (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), 88 open issues (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Secret Network

6 merged PRs (1), 29 closed issues (1), 4 open issues (1)


350 merged PRs (1, 2), 21 closed issues (1, 2), 50 open issues (1, 2)


128 merged PRs (1, 2, 3), 55 closed issues (1, 2, 3), 47 open issues (1, 2, 3)



Mar 15 - Apr 11 | Online

Chainlink Hackathon Spring 2021

May 20 | Online

Polkadot Decoded. Submit your proposal by February 28th.



Aleo | San Francisco, USA or Remote

Kraken | Remote

Matter Labs | Berlin/Kiev or Remote

Nucypher | Remote

Parity Technologies | Berlin or Remote

Zcash | Remote

More jobs can be found at Job Board.


Want to be included in the next issue? Feel free to submit a PR to the #22 draft.

Join the discussion on RiB telegram group ❤️