
RiB Newsletter #47

Welcome to the #47 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month we spotlight zkWasm, a project that runs a WebAssembly runtime as a ZKSNARK circuit.

RiB Newsletter #46

Welcome to the #46 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month we spotlight Kind and HVM. Kind is a lazy, functional, but non-garbage-collected language, in the spirit of Haskell. It runs on HVM.

RiB Newsletter #45

Welcome to the #45 edition of Rust in Blockchain, This month we spotlight Nova, a recursive SNARK, and SuperNova, a refinement of Nova with more efficient proofs of individual program steps.

RiB Newsletter #44

Welcome to the #44 edition of Rust in Blockchain, This month we spotlight openmina, a Rust implementation of Mina that runs in a browser.

RiB Newsletter #43

Welcome to the #43 edition of Rust in Blockchain, This month we spotlight anemo, the p2p networking library used by Sui, running over QUIC.

RiB Newsletter #42

Welcome to the #42 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month we spotlight avalanche-types, an official SDK for developing Avalanche VMs in Rust.