
RiB Newsletter #59

Welcome to the #59 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month, we spotlight Rust in Cardano, an ecosystem of Rust projects that interoperate with Cardano.

RiB Newsletter #58

Welcome to the #58 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month, we spotlight mopro, a toolikit for creating, building, testing, and running zero-knowledge proofs across multiple platforms and prooving systems.

RiB Newsletter #57

Welcome to the #57 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month, we spotlight sp1, a zkVM that runs Rust code.

RiB Newsletter #55

Welcome to the #55 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month, we spotlight iroh, a protocol for syncing and moving bytes over peer-to-peer QUIC connections.

RiB Newsletter #54

Welcome to the #54 edition of Rust in Blockchain. This month, we spotlight Carbonado, a resilient data archive format used by the BitMask.